TOSH Logica 03 Pad Printer

TOSH Logica 03 Pad Printer

At a glance:

  • Single phase all electric operation, no compressor required just plug in and print
  • Set up for 1 – 2 – 3 or 4 colour pad printing
  • Maximum ink cup size 115mm (1-3 colours) / 90mm (4 colours)
  • Maximum pad height 140mm (125mm with pad slide)
  • The Logica 03 can be configured with a pad slide or product indexing table for multi-colour printing
  • The large throat of the machine and deep pad stroke allows printing in the middle of a large products
  • Fast…. adjustable up to 2300 cycles / hour, with a print force of 1800N
  • Now with an all new TOUCH SCREEN interface, cycle control and memory programming/recall is a breeze

Options: Rotary tables, product indexing shuttles and oval conveyors, multi-colour pad slide, pad cleaning, cross-wire doctoring system and other TOSH ‘plug and play’ accessories.

Features: The all electric operation allows every mechanical movement to be numerically controlled for simple and precise adjustment via the computer touch screen. Independent control of the 6 printing stokes, pressures and delays allows printing on multiple product surface heights, programming for quick repeat set-ups, and easy operation. The Logica 03 has a vast throat under the plate holder and long stroke adjustment over the product allowing decoration of large objects.

The Good Oil: The Logica 03 is a versatile and useful pad printer for the medium to large printers, and for industrial users looking for excellent print repeatability with minimal interruption to manufacturing processes. The 03 is an industrial machine in its build and abilities. It is a highly durable machine that will give you exceptional service for many years with less maintenance noise and power consumption than a pneumatic machine. Like all TOSH pad printers the Logica 03 has in-built expansion capacity, allowing you to easily upgrade and reconfigure your machine with TOSH accessories should new production needs arise.

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Pad Printing Stuff